Let’s look into the mystic realms with Jujutsu Kaisen quotes! Jujutsu Kaisen follows a story of a high-school student, Yuji Itadori, who tangles himself into a somehow magical yet horrifying realm of curses. With a goal to make a world a better place, he takes admission into Jujutsu High, a special school that deals with cursed spirits. And that’s where he meets Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki. And all we witness after that is adventures and craziness. Join us for a journey filled with gripping narratives, epic showdowns, and the essence of some amazing Jujutsu Kaisen quotes.
Jujutsu Kaisen Quotes
“Let me tell you one of the gross things about humans. There are too many of them!”
“Let’s go home, Riko-chan.”
Geto Suguru
“Don’t worry about it. I am terrible at remembering guys’ names too.”
“I’ve decided I’ll only see you either for work or in hell.”
“Itadori, tell everyone that life wasn’t so bad.”
Nobara Kugisaki
“If we should perish along with our star, then that is all there is to it.”
“This is a world for the future.”
Geto Suguru
“Let’s make sure all three of us are together when we meet again.”
Nobara Kugisaki
“Are you the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru? Or does being strongest makes you Satoru Gojo?”
Geto Suguru
“Not-clever one dies first in this world.”
“You take it from here.”
“You only took one measly right arm. But it had 71 years in it. That’s going to cost you!”
“I am risking my life, but I don’t intend to throw it away.”
Megumi Fushiguro
“Hey, brat. Be sure to savor this.”
As we wrap up this exploration of Jujutsu Kaisen quotes, we’ve delved into the heart of sorcery, battled cursed spirits, and witnessed characters face their shadows. The ‘Hidden Inventory / Premature Death’ and ‘Shibuya Incident’ arcs have left an indelible mark on our anime journey. Let these quotes resonate, serving as a reminder of the wisdom, courage, and resilience found within this captivating season. Until the next adventure, may these quotes echo the enduring spirit of Jujutsu Kaisen in your hearts. Thank you for reading.