Love Death and Robots Quotes, the mesmerizing anthology series, enthralls viewers with its captivating animation and thought-provoking narratives. Throughout Seasons, this critically acclaimed show delivers a diverse collection of animated shorts that explore themes of love, death, and the intricacies of the human experience. In this blog post, we delve into ten unforgettable quotes that encapsulate the essence of Love, Death and Robots, leaving a lasting impact on audiences.
Love Death and Robots Quotes
“Scared? All the time. Now Hate, that was something I had to learn. You don’t come into this world with hate; but fear, that’s primal. It fills your senses. You can see it, hear it… taste it… and it keeps me alive.”
Sonnie’s Edge
“Indeed, it was their own hubris that ended their reign, their belief that they were the pinnacle of creation that caused them to poison the water, kill the land and choke the sky. In the end, no nuclear winter was needed, just the long heedless autumn of their own self regard.”
Three Robots
“Mercenaries are like hookers, Doctor: pretending to be excited cost extra.”
Sucker of Souls
“A huli jing cannot resist the cries of the man she is bewitched.”
Good Hunting
“You hang around a dump long enough and the world comes to you.”
The Dump
“If the ghosts of people can haunt a house, well, why can’t the ghosts of creatures haunt where they once lived?”
Fish Night
“It must have been nice back then. Just swimming around without a care in the world.”
Fish Night
“Sometimes, it’s difficult even for me to understand what I’ve become. And harder still to remember what I once was.”
Zima Blue
“You don’t know what you like, you don’t know because you don’t try everything.”
Three Robots
Love, Death & Robots captivates viewers with its breathtaking animation and thought-provoking narratives. The memorable quotes we’ve explored throughout this blog post demonstrate the series’ ability to delve into profound themes while challenging our perspectives on love, humanity, and the enigmatic nature of existence. Each Love Death and Robots quotes serves as a lasting reminder of the remarkable storytelling and captivating dialogue found within this extraordinary series. Thank you for reading.
About Love, Death & Robots
Love, Death and Robots is an anthology series that delves into the realms of love, mortality, and futuristic technology. Created by Tim Miller and David Fincher, the show combines various animation styles and genres to present a collection of standalone episodes. Each episode explores thought-provoking themes, pushing the boundaries of storytelling with its unique blend of animation, science fiction, and dark humor. With its visually stunning visuals and captivating narratives, Love, Death and Robots has garnered a dedicated following, captivating audiences with its imaginative and often surprising tales.